Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 can suck me off.

This year has been a giant pile of bullshit for many reasons. Death,depression,insanity,addiction etc etc. so lets hope 2010 takes it easy on my soul. I am very fortunate to have the people in my life that stuck around through all my bullshit, and i would like to thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart...without you guys i honestly would have called it quits a long time ago.

2010 getting back in the saddle and fucking life up

love you guys


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

i fucking hate the holidays


i want to start my own holiday called " shut up and drink" or something very similar. It would consist of waking up,and drinking until you don't have feelings anymore. And if you're a non drinker on this blessed day of libations its kind of like being on santas naughty list but instead of drinking you get to celebrate "drive my drunk friends around day" sounds like a good trade right?

the rules of shut up and drink day

1. you have to shut the fuck up- if you're one who likes to drink and ramble on about politics,your shitty childhood,or anything serious, you have to either shut the fuck up or go home

2.over the course of the day you have to buy at least 4 drinks for other people.

3. you have to turn your cell phone off.

4.if and when you throw up you have to try to yell "SLAYERRRRRRRRRRR" while barfing. have to wear a cosby sweater.

all in all i think shut up and drink day will be the biggest hit since kwanza

Sunday, December 6, 2009


This is my blog, there are many like it but this blog is mine.....Bad decisions is going to be a tiny glimpse in to my life and things that i deem worthy of mention,art,metal,sneakers,food,dudes and chicks that i feel are making moves and doing big things etc etc etc hope you dig it.